There are 3 membership in order to enjoy this website: Supporter, Patron and Philanthropist.

the Comics are truly a heavily underpaid and underrated art nowadays. You would hardly believe the fees comic artists earn for the amount of work they put in. In order to make my comics less a hobby and more a part of my creative output, I decided to create this program where you can sponsor me so I can make more comics.


This is the most basic show of support from you. It will give you moderate access to my artworks and stories: All general posts with rumblings, all comic episodes I am planning on characters like Kinoko People and Mr Mendo. Short stories (with drawings) I will call Life in Tokyo.

Also will notify you about new print releases before they become public.

This tier will support me and my work, and for your help you will have my eternal thanks.


The next option is the Patron which includes everything you'd get with the Supporter, but also you will be able to Download all digital (PDF) books I have and will make in the future. You will get discount on future books, prints and I will make postcards handwritten by me, and sent to your home. As well I would love to meet you in person, so if you happen to be in Tokyo, I will gladly invite you to a coffee.

This tier will better support me and my work, and for your help you will have my eternal thanks.


It includes everything and more.