The Illustrated Magazine

Morning Routine

A little story about what my mornings look like. I made this is the winter, in the middle of the pandemic.

Morning Routine
13 posts

Amigo Puño

Amigo Puño

A series of conversations with illustrated illustrators 1

3 nights in Okinawa

3 nights in Okinawa

Sketchbook pages

Amigo Tatsushi Eto

Amigo Tatsushi Eto

Introducing hidden talent Tatsushi Eto

Luis Mendo Sketchbooks: 11 days in New York

Luis Mendo Sketchbooks: 11 days in New York

Being part of a group exhibition in an Orchard Street gallery and having friends living in Brooklyn and Long Island, I had three excuses to fly over the oceans and pay a visit to Manhattan. All those places are one; the one with the magical name which everyone quickly connects

Amiga Lauren Tamaki

Amiga Lauren Tamaki

Interview with Lauren Tamaki

Amiga Mariya Suzuki

Amiga Mariya Suzuki

Interview with Mariya Suzuki

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